When Central Library re-opened there was an opening for the BTC. I can remember David Anasco, Liz and I talking together about what this position entailed and David saying that I was not qualified to do the job. I guess Liz had other ideas, or more probably no one else showed an interest because I became a member of the BTC. Why did I volunteer? Because I realized that I would be one of the first staff members to receive hands on tech training . I was just really curious and a bit scared about all the "tech stuff" coming down the pike, but also knew that I had really good teachers in my fellow staff like Beth, Chuck and Ruth.
So along came 23 Things. When I first learned about it via a note to the BTC, there wasn't an option to "opt out" and I am really glad that I took on the challenge. There were so many different expressions of awe and wonder and yep a bit of cursing, too when something I was trying to do didn't work or I couldn't make something work. My non-techie mind was often overwhelmed, because along with 23 Things, came Ubuntu and DeskNow. This was such a tremendous learning experience. A true adventure into an unknown world. Yes, I want to go back to some of the sites that made me mutter under my breath like Rollyo and see if I can figure out what went wrong. I hope to do just that. There were a couple of negatives. One was the need to create so many accounts. It's a good thing that I was able to use the same username and password for all the different accounts. The other negative was the lack of time to do these exercises during my working hours. I really value my time at home with my family and was peeved at having to use some of my leisure time at home to do work-related activities. So, if there is more of this type of exploration in the future and I hope there is, then I also hope that staff will have time built into the work schedule to explore.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thing 22 Overdrive
The tutorial was very helpful. I have been an avid books on tape "reader". I am usually listening to something, generally fiction, while getting dressed in the morning, or cooking meals for the week on Sunday, or just cleaning and putzing around the house. I listen to nonfiction in my car. My favorite narrator is Jim Dale...he is amazing. I listened to all of the Harry Potter books and enjoyed all of JD's distinct voices.
Customers who have used Overdrive have said that it is pretty easy to use once the necessary software has been installed. So I will need to figure out how to use my new MP3 player and away we'll go.
Project Gutenberg has been around a long time. However, if someone was looking for "run of the mill fiction", this is probably not the place to look. This is a good referral for the student looking for reading material when all copies of a title are checked out. It is not as user-friendly as Overdrive and could use a how to get started page. Maybe I missed it.
Customers who have used Overdrive have said that it is pretty easy to use once the necessary software has been installed. So I will need to figure out how to use my new MP3 player and away we'll go.
Project Gutenberg has been around a long time. However, if someone was looking for "run of the mill fiction", this is probably not the place to look. This is a good referral for the student looking for reading material when all copies of a title are checked out. It is not as user-friendly as Overdrive and could use a how to get started page. Maybe I missed it.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thing 19 Web 2.0 awards list
What fun. I enjoyed "one sentence.org", even if it was not particularly useful, just fun and clever. One Sentence is an experiment in brevity. This is about telling the most interesting or poignant story possible in the least amount of words. Anyone who has done any writing at all has written down a thought in one sentence, without even giving it a thought!
Then I stumbled upon eventful.com. In the search boxes you can plug in a geographic location. I used Columbia, Maryland, then select an event topic of interest such as books, poetry and literature, next type in a date range. It can be a particular date. I typed in December 2007. The site then shows all the events that meet the selected parameters.
Events in D.C. and Virginia were featured as well.
I am on the programming committee and added an author booktalk and signing presentation that is coming up in December.
Then I stumbled upon eventful.com. In the search boxes you can plug in a geographic location. I used Columbia, Maryland, then select an event topic of interest such as books, poetry and literature, next type in a date range. It can be a particular date. I typed in December 2007. The site then shows all the events that meet the selected parameters.
Events in D.C. and Virginia were featured as well.
I am on the programming committee and added an author booktalk and signing presentation that is coming up in December.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
MERLIN Podcasting
Thing 21
Kankakee Public Library
This library provided a generous list of postcasts available for downloading as streaming media
I listened to Barbara D'Amato's mystery writers talk and it was quite entertaining. It is not so often that I get the opportunity to actually hear an author speak about their work, so I was particularly pleased to find library podcasts that would allow me to have more of these experiences.
Kankakee Public Library
This library provided a generous list of postcasts available for downloading as streaming media
I listened to Barbara D'Amato's mystery writers talk and it was quite entertaining. It is not so often that I get the opportunity to actually hear an author speak about their work, so I was particularly pleased to find library podcasts that would allow me to have more of these experiences.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Week 9 You Tube
Thing 20 You Tube! Very dangerous! So much fun. No wonder companies are nixing this site at work. I clicked on videos, typed in Italian greyhounds and an hour later I was still surfing. People can get hooked on this kind of site. I can see why. Loved the experience. Free time however, is a real issue.
Week 8 ZohoWriter
Thing 18
I had discovered Zoho some years ago when the library was going from microsoft to open source and we were experiencing problems with our word processors. Students needed to type up their documents and Zoho allowed them to do just that. Type it up, print it up and go. Saving the document was another issue since students needed to purchase diskettes and many did not come equipped to pay for them.
Googledocs seems similar..easy to use
Good to know about both of these
I had discovered Zoho some years ago when the library was going from microsoft to open source and we were experiencing problems with our word processors. Students needed to type up their documents and Zoho allowed them to do just that. Type it up, print it up and go. Saving the document was another issue since students needed to purchase diskettes and many did not come equipped to pay for them.
Googledocs seems similar..easy to use
Good to know about both of these
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Week 7 Wikis
I enjoyed playing in the sandbox. There was so much to look at.
Adding my own book review was fairly easy.
I was impressed by the way wikis were implemented in library settings. The ones I viewed were informative, colorful, and well structured.
I have reservations when a wiki is available to one and all because I question the reliability of the information. I am thinking of the well-viewed Wikipedia and have been impressed with the wealth of knowledge and ease of the hyperlinks, but would not recommend it as a source to a customer.
Adding my own book review was fairly easy.
I was impressed by the way wikis were implemented in library settings. The ones I viewed were informative, colorful, and well structured.
I have reservations when a wiki is available to one and all because I question the reliability of the information. I am thinking of the well-viewed Wikipedia and have been impressed with the wealth of knowledge and ease of the hyperlinks, but would not recommend it as a source to a customer.
Mashup refers to the practice of mixing digital media.
Examples of mashups are "Nintendo Wii + Target + Google Maps = Wii Locator," "DeLorean + monster truck = Delorasaurus rex," and "Digg + Slashdot + del.icio.us = Doggdot.us".
Examples of mashups are "Nintendo Wii + Target + Google Maps = Wii Locator," "DeLorean + monster truck = Delorasaurus rex," and "Digg + Slashdot + del.icio.us = Doggdot.us".
Monday, October 22, 2007
Week 6
This bookmarking manager would be great for those of us using computers at multiple locations.
At first I thought that maybe I would not use this, but have thought about it some more and like the concept.
I was a little confused about this. The website was a bit off putting and lacked adequate user instructions so I ended up looking for magazine articles about this subject so as to better understand what Technorati did. What I learned is that this is a blog search tool and allows bloggers to track others who are discussing similar matters. Technorati tracks 50 million blogs at this writing.
Vortex of thoughts
This bookmarking manager would be great for those of us using computers at multiple locations.
At first I thought that maybe I would not use this, but have thought about it some more and like the concept.
I was a little confused about this. The website was a bit off putting and lacked adequate user instructions so I ended up looking for magazine articles about this subject so as to better understand what Technorati did. What I learned is that this is a blog search tool and allows bloggers to track others who are discussing similar matters. Technorati tracks 50 million blogs at this writing.
Vortex of thoughts
Monday, October 15, 2007
MySpace Thing 7
Just a thought about blogs in general and MySpace specifically.
I was at a party and among the guests were a number of CEOs of mid-sized companies talking about how they use MySpace in the employment process. My ears perked up. What they did in common was that before the interview they would search the MySpace site to see if the interviewee had written anything. Lo and behold the stories that followed. One woman wrote about how her parents were forcing her to find a job and move out of their home and how she loathed getting up early in the morning and the thought of working made her stomach turn. Now you can guess the result of this story...
I find some blogs to contain pertinent information, but many I've seen are ramblings of people who really have nothing much to say. I guess I am of that generation that enjoys having a conversation where I can actually see the person I am talking to. I think blogging is really not my cuppa java.
I was at a party and among the guests were a number of CEOs of mid-sized companies talking about how they use MySpace in the employment process. My ears perked up. What they did in common was that before the interview they would search the MySpace site to see if the interviewee had written anything. Lo and behold the stories that followed. One woman wrote about how her parents were forcing her to find a job and move out of their home and how she loathed getting up early in the morning and the thought of working made her stomach turn. Now you can guess the result of this story...
I find some blogs to contain pertinent information, but many I've seen are ramblings of people who really have nothing much to say. I guess I am of that generation that enjoys having a conversation where I can actually see the person I am talking to. I think blogging is really not my cuppa java.
Friday, October 12, 2007
#12 Roll your own search tool with Rollyo
I registered, created a searchroll/dashboard on Rollyo.Called it Buen Provecho
There weren't enough instructions... I'm going around in circles.
I saved my list, but when I went to log back in to find it the site would
not accept my username/password.
Nyah, did not do much for me.
There are too many other sites to explore
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Week 5 LibraryThing
Thing 11
This was so cool. I am well organized..and everything has it's place. .. so maybe I am also a bit compulsive. Library Thing is right up my alley. I can see all kinds of booklists to create.
This was so cool. I am well organized..and everything has it's place. .. so maybe I am also a bit compulsive. Library Thing is right up my alley. I can see all kinds of booklists to create.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thing 7
If you are like me you have a box or folder full of recipe clippings. Here you can exchange recipes with other people, create an RSS feed, or search the recipe files.
If you are like me you have a box or folder full of recipe clippings. Here you can exchange recipes with other people, create an RSS feed, or search the recipe files.
Week 4 RSS and Newsreaders
Thing 8
RSS described in plain English
Here's what you need to know about RSS: It allows you be notified when a web site has been updated..
easy to understand
I created an RSS to recipefiles.org and was very soon bombarded with recipes. Finally went back into the site and unsubscribed.
RSS described in plain English
Here's what you need to know about RSS: It allows you be notified when a web site has been updated..
easy to understand
I created an RSS to recipefiles.org and was very soon bombarded with recipes. Finally went back into the site and unsubscribed.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
RSS Feeds
Thing 8 RSS and Newsreaders
Coupons.com Printable Coupons
New Coupons from Coupons.com
Coupons.com Printable Coupons
New Coupons from Coupons.com
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Thing 9
Explore MERLIN
Explore MERLIN
- Statewide
- Training calendar
- Learning links
- lots of useful information about state events and activities
- a little overwhelming
Week 5 Play Week
Thing 10
MEEZ image generator
Meez was so much fun and fairly easy to use.
I almost felt guilty about using work time to "play".
I love my little "avatar"
My husband was playing around with Second World. He told me how many people were currently on the site with him. Unbelievable.
MEEZ image generator
Meez was so much fun and fairly easy to use.
I almost felt guilty about using work time to "play".
I love my little "avatar"
My husband was playing around with Second World. He told me how many people were currently on the site with him. Unbelievable.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Week 3 Photos and Images
Thing 5 Flickr
*especially liked the photobook idea and calendar
*alas, I am still using my antique view and click...but I love it and I still enjoy my scrapbooking.
*like the idea of photo gifts such as those offered on Snapfish
*especially liked the photobook idea and calendar
*alas, I am still using my antique view and click...but I love it and I still enjoy my scrapbooking.
*like the idea of photo gifts such as those offered on Snapfish
Monday, August 27, 2007
Weeks 1 and 2 What It's All About and The Set-Up
Things 1,2,3,4
Learning 2.0 is an online learning program that encourages staff to learn more about emerging technologies on the web that are changing the way people, society and libraries access information and communicate with each other.
Setting up and getting ready to blog was relatively harmless, but I am not sure that I really understand how I got to this point. I hope that good instructions will follow my path as I travel through Learning 2.0
Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners
Learning 2.0 is an online learning program that encourages staff to learn more about emerging technologies on the web that are changing the way people, society and libraries access information and communicate with each other.
Setting up and getting ready to blog was relatively harmless, but I am not sure that I really understand how I got to this point. I hope that good instructions will follow my path as I travel through Learning 2.0
Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners
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